Lions Clubs International

This is the official site of Lions Clubs International. It contains a great deal of information about Lionism, our international charities and projects, and much more.

Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF)

The official site of the Lions Clubs International Foundation. LCIF is the grant-making arm of Lions Clubs International. Its mission is to support the efforts of Lions clubs worldwide in serving their local communities as they carry out essential humanitarian service projects.

LionNet International

This is a major world-wide network for Lions clubs and related organizations. From here, you can access any club or Lion bulletin board in the world, build your club’s web site, and connect to a host of other activities.

LeoNet International

This is a major world-wide network for young Lions who are organized into Leo Clubs. Come see what the Lions of tomorrow are up to!

Lions Hearing Foundation of California & Nevada

This MD4 based Lions organization recycles around 1,000 hearing aids a year in California and Nevada.


coming soon


Lions Multiple District 4

Multiple District 4 serves California and Nevada. For useful information about the operation of the District, scroll down on this linked page.

District Web Sites for California and Nevada

This is LionNet’s link page for district, club and project web sites for Lions throughout California and Nevada.

Lions In Sight

This MD4-wide Lions organization recycles around 35,000 eye glasses per month, redistributing them through a network of organizations and clinics in 50 countries around the world. You should have a look at this site. It has a great story to tell and a beautiful vision to share!